A Reception, Dinner and Evening with Jon Meacham - POSTPONED UNTIL APRIL 22, 2021 - EventCheck Knox by MoxCar Marketing + Communications A Reception, Dinner and Evening with Jon Meacham - POSTPONED UNTIL APRIL 22, 2021 - EventCheck Knox by MoxCar Marketing + Communications

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A Reception, Dinner and Evening with Jon Meacham – POSTPONED UNTIL APRIL 22, 2021

August 13, 2020 @ 5:30 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. |

(This event has been postponed until 2021 because of COVID-19.)

The East Tennessee Historical Society and Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law will host a reception and dinner with Jon Meacham, a New York Times best-selling writer and presidential biographer whose works include “Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush,” “Songs of America” with Tim McGraw and “The Soul of America,” which was No. 1 on the NYT bestseller list. Attire is dressy or business.

A table of eight for $5,000 includes reception, dinner and Q&A with the author; tickets to the Bijou Theatre for Meacham’s presentation that evening of the Bush book; and name recognition in publicity.

Individual dinner tickets are $300 each and include reception, dinner and Q&A with the author and tickets to the Bijou Theatre.

(This event was rescheduled from April 9.)


Attended By
Business Leaders, Community Leaders, Elected Officials
Expected Attendance
Event Admittance
Ticketed Event


Crowne Plaza Knoxville
401 W. Summit Hill Drive
Knoxville, TN 37902 United States
+ Google Map
(865) 522-2600

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