EventCheck Knox by MoxCar Marketing + Communications

A Reception, Dinner and Evening with Jon Meacham – POSTPONED UNTIL APRIL 22, 2021
(This event has been postponed until 2021 because of COVID-19.)
The East Tennessee Historical Society and Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law will host a reception and dinner with Jon Meacham, a New York Times best-selling writer and presidential biographer whose works include “Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush,” “Songs of America” with Tim McGraw and “The Soul of America,” which was No. 1 on the NYT bestseller list. Attire is dressy or business.
A table of eight for $5,000 includes reception, dinner and Q&A with the author; tickets to the Bijou Theatre for Meacham’s presentation that evening of the Bush book; and name recognition in publicity.
Individual dinner tickets are $300 each and include reception, dinner and Q&A with the author and tickets to the Bijou Theatre.
(This event was rescheduled from April 9.)