In Any Event 

To link or not to link? (We heard you; they’re back)

You asked for it. You got it.

John McCulley

The links for individual events on the EventCheck Knox calendar have been restored thanks to John McCulley, senior web developer for Moxley Carmichael.

“The purpose of EventCheck Knox always has been to make it as useful and functional for planners as possible,” said Cynthia Moxley, CEO of Moxley Carmichael, which established the website. “Having a direct link to the event makes it easier to share and promote via email, social media or text message.”

The calendar had been redesigned to be responsive, meaning it responds to the dimensions of the viewer’s screen. So, if a planner accesses the calendar from a desktop, smartphone or tablet, it renders to that device. Responsive is a must-have feature now as people move away from desktops and instead favor mobile devices.

When planners opened any event on the calendar, it appeared in a pop-up window. However, those windows didn’t show individual links to the event, and event planners missed them. McCulley found a work-around in the coding for the website and brought back the links.

Open any event at EventCheck Knox, and then look for the bar in the lower righthand corner that says: GET THIS EVENT LINK. An example is below.

Click on the bar and it will take you to the event link, in this case, the University of Tennessee Music Gala.

“Users like pop-up windows because they are easy to read on any device,” McCulley said. “But users also like individual links. Now, you can have both on EventCheck Knox, just in time for the explosion of spring events.”

Planners definitely are entering the busy season as cold weather slips away, and spring gets ready to arrive. Make sure your important spring and summer fundraisers are on the calendar. And if you know your dates for fall, send those, too!

Use the submission form or email me at [email protected] with any questions. All we need is a confirmed date. The details can be added later.

Maria Cornelius, a writer/editor for Moxley Carmichael, populates the EventCheck Knox calendar. March is her favorite time of year because of the overlap of NCAA Tournament basketball and Major League Baseball spring training.

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